Saturday, January 11, 2025

- new levels of awareness, safety, light

wow, this is amazing
the deeper levels
of just how unsafe reality is

the fires
the tornadoes
the hurricanes
the wars  
I am always opening to new levels of being aware
I am always opening to new levels of the divine  
I am always opening to new ways of learning to dance within it all
but sometimes it is more unsafe than I expect

sometimes, it truly hurts
in the deeper levels

is it ever okay to just not open, not dance, not flow, not be?    

it is okay to defend
it is okay to hide
it is okay to take cover and create safety
in the moment


it is still okay to truly flow and love and live
in the middle of it all

numb, when needed
distract, when needed
hide, when needed
defend, when needed

and then when ready, feel it   
and grieve the loss, when it is time

I always remember, within the deeper awareness
within the sadness and loss
there is also a new way of expanding beyond the unsafe
into deeper new levels of loving and being loved
into deeper ways of dancing within true divine wisdom, love, and light, now

no matter what
we each breathe the light within
even if many do not know it yet
or are still in the old ways of blocking the light

we are the light
within anything unsafe
it starts with each self  
choosing to own the light within

start with acknowledging
the unsafe
the light

acknowledge the person I Am
and the divine

the light
through the

continue to breathe
the divine
I Am

continue to open
to divine thoughts
open to divine intentions
and when able to
love fully
in the middle of it all

we are each divine
we are each light
now and forever

          - Joe Hurley
     (Joseph Brian Hurley)

... from The Arc of Being Teachings™

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