Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Journey Into Being

Our being is what we trust.
It is a trust in the moment.
It is a trust in our being in each moment.
It is a trust in our awareness of the messages that come from within us in each moment.
It is a trust in our inner voice, hunch, deeper sense, gut feeling, divine wisdom, and heartfelt love.
It is a trust in what we care about and who we are in each moment.

In this moment, many in the world are consumed with external focus.
But many people are shifting out of this one-dimensional focus.  
Many people are learning to trust being from the inside out.

From the inner state of being, there can be a true letting go.
There can be a true stepping beyond focus, structure, limits, and future.
There can be a true living in the moment.

This shift is an expansion into a new conscious reality. 
Imagine connecting with plants, animals, nature, and other forms of life in a natural state of being.
There is so much life, so much consciousness, so many pure beings, all living in the moment with little external, conceptual, time, or space agenda.
Think of connecting with all beings in the natural state of just being.

In this space of being, we can connect with our heart.  
We can connect with our wisdom and love.
We can connect with our divine. 

We can go deeper into our experience and know our true signature in a unique way.
We can differentiate and individuate.
We can then celebrate the uniqueness of each other as we connect in the oneness of all that is. 

This is a new way to operate in human form. 
We are in a true process of transformation.
It is a process of letting go of external addictions and conceptual attachments.
It a process of letting go of past and future distractions. 
It is a process of truly awakening to what is in each moment. 

It is about clearing up and releasing limited beliefs based on long held distortions and illusions.
It is about releasing all that is no longer in alignment with our true authentic self.
It is about truly reconnecting with the real self, in the present, deep within the density of human form.
It is about truly connecting with all life, from a place of honor, respect, wisdom, love, and light. 

In this moment, during this transformation it is lonely at times (individuation), it is painful at times (letting go of old ways), it is surreal at times (opening to the new and unknown), it is empty at times (getting used to having no agenda, judgment, rule, or role), and yet from the larger-picture perspective the transformation is amazing.

It is about coming into unique, individuated, multidimensional wholeness. 
It is about coming into the pure divine oneness connection with all that is, as a unique, individuated, whole, multidimensional being.

We are taking this step with our consciousness.
We are bringing our consciousness into all levels of our being.
We are becoming conscious.

This is our true unfolding, expanding, and blossoming.
This is our coming to life!

- Joe Hurley
