Open your mind.
Open your heart.
Open your senses.
Connect with us.
We are here.
Trust in your unique way of connecting with us.
Some of you can see us; some of you can hear us; some of you can feel us.
Open to the way of connecting with us that works best for you.
Ask us for help.
We do not always take away your pain.
We often assist you in discovering your ability to heal yourself.
When you are in discomfort, know that you are not the discomfort.
You are a divine being of wisdom, love, and light.
Open to the true love that you are.
Know that you are loved for who you truly are.
Celebrate your light!
You are an amazing source of beauty and joy.
Know that you are not alone.
There are many other unique beings of wisdom, love, and light within your multiverse.
Let your heart wisdom and love guide you to those who are in pure divine alignment.
Trust your heart.
Trust your wisdom.
Share your wisdom and joy with all.
- Joe Hurley
Visit The Divine Heart Website: A place for heart wisdom, healing, and pure unconditional love.