We all experience discomfort at one point or another in our lives. And many people have been experiencing some intense discomfort lately. One of my favorite methods of healing discomfort is through wise and loving communication.
It is truly amazing to experience healing peace, calm, and
harmony within yourself and your situation.
And this is accomplished when the energies creating discomfort are
listened to, honored, and respected from a place of wisdom and love.
Are you experiencing symptoms of discomfort or
dis-ease? Would you like to experience
a new kind of healing?
Through wise and loving communication, you can open to the
relationship between the symptomatic energies interacting within yourself and
your situation and you can get to the cause of the conflict or contradiction
between those energies.
Give it a try!
Attune to your symptom. Listen
to, honor, and respect what is being communicated. Even if you don’t like what is being said, when you come from
wisdom and love, you will sense, feel, hear, and/or know what needs to come up.
What are your symptoms telling you? What do the energies within yourself and
your situation say is the problem, issue, conflict, or contradiction? The energies creating your discomfort and
dis-ease will respond to you when you ask and when you listen from a place of honor
and respect. And as you listen and
dialogue with honor and respect, the energies within yourself and your
situation listen and dialogue back.
What would you like to say to the energies in
discomfort? After you truly listen,
sense, feel, and hear them, by all means respond back to them - communicate
your honest thoughts and feelings.
Express your judgments and expectations. Express your fear, your anger, your compassion, your
understanding - and remember to include your wisdom and love.
Your heart is a great place to find your deepest wisdom and
love. You will be amazed at how quickly
you and your situation heal when you respond to the energies of discomfort and
dis-ease from the wisdom and love that exists within your heart.
To fully experience the process of healing discomfort
through your wisdom and love, simply follow these four steps:
Step One: Attune To The Symptom
Talk to the symptom directly. Get to know the issue. If there is discomfort, truly become present
to it. Face it and literally attune to
it. Sense it, feel it, and know
it. What does it represent in your
life? What is the source? Can you get pictures around it? What are the energies saying?
Step one is where you truly attune and listen. You ask specific questions and you become
clear. You become present and you
recognize the energies that are creating your dis-ease, disharmony, symptom, or
Step Two: Attune To Your Response
How are you reacting to the information coming up? Are you calm? Are you at peace? Are you open to what you are seeing, hearing,
feeling, or sensing? Are you filled
with victim energy? Are you filled with
impatience? Do you have anger or the
desire to control? Are you relaxed and
willing to open to a new way?
In this second step, you are listening to any
fight-or-flight reactions that come up from within you to be expressed. You are giving yourself the space to flow
and respond instinctively and naturally from any patterns, filters,
distortions, or old ways that you hold inside.
In this step you are giving yourself the space to get to
know all your responses to the energies that are coming up around your symptom,
discomfort, dis-ease, or issue.
Step Three: Attune To Wisdom and Love
Once you have attuned to the energies of your discomfort,
and to the energies responding to your discomfort, you are now aware of the
different sides of your issue creating any conflict or contradiction with regard to your symptom.
Step three is the time to transcend the different energies of the issue
and access your wisdom and love.
In this step you make the choice to open to your higher
self, to the divine wisdom of your higher consciousness, and to the wisdom and
love in your divine heart.
This divine shift transforms your reality. You become unplugged from any reaction that
you may have toward your discomfort, dis-ease, symptom, or issue. You plug into the divine wisdom, grace, and
light that you are.
You are beyond your symptom. You are beyond your reaction to your symptom. You are the wise, clear, and loving being
that is your divine higher self.
As you sense and know the divine aspects of your dynamic,
from the perspective of your higher self, divine spirit, and divine heart, you
begin to sense more clearly your divine relationship to your symptom. This
enables you to understand the larger concept of what is happening and it helps
you to see the higher truth of your situation.
The divine information gives you the ability to respond now
to your symptom and to any reaction that you have to your symptom from a place
of pure wisdom, grace, compassion, and unconditional love.
Step Four: Act From
Divine Wisdom and Love
You may be used to relating to yourself and your situation
from within your old patterns and from within your old ways. You may be used to acting from the survival
instincts of primal fight-or-flight.
Step four is the time when you respect all fear-based programming and
then you act from your divine wisdom and love.
You are a divine being of wisdom, love, and light. Healing discomfort is about truly
listening to, honoring, respecting, and understanding all sides from your
wisdom, love, and light.
It is all about being your true authentic self.
It is all about being fully present to yourself and your
situation, as your true divine I Am.
The beauty of this process is really about you being the
real you.