Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Unfamiliar

Right now, many of you are experiencing some unfamiliar times.
I can relate.
But what is the unfamiliar?

As I sink into life, I understand that change is to be expected.
With change, we move from one set of dynamics to another.
We move from one job to another.
We move from one house to another.
We move from one city to another.
But what happens when we change our jobs, housing, geographical locations, relationships, and we don’t know where we are going? 
This is the unfamiliar.

Many of us today are making changes in life without knowing the outcome.
We are stepping into the unfamiliar.
Internally, we are stepping into a totally new way of being.
Externally, we are birthing a totally new way of co-creating.
We are evolving internally and externally.

When we truly let go of outdated concepts, rules, roles, and old ways of being, it is expected that we step into the unfamiliar.
It is expected that our situations will seem surreal at times.
These unfamiliar times can be scary.
It can be uncomfortable having no idea what to do about work, money, housing, or relationships.
The discomfort is normal.

Are you experiencing the unfamiliar?
Are you uncomfortable or afraid?
It is okay to welcome the discomfort and fear.
Invite all aspects of self into love.
You may be experiencing the unpleasant, but you are a being of love.

You are a truly a being of wisdom, love, and light.
You can access your heart and love all the parts of yourself that are uncomfortable.
You can open to your wisdom and reassure yourself that all is well.
You can open to your joy and honor what makes you happy.

As a being of wisdom, love, and light, these times in the unfamiliar can also be adventurous.
Take a moment and open up to your divine essence.
Take a moment and connect with your divine awareness.
With divine awareness, you sense divine timing.
You embrace the magic and mystery of the unknown.
You open and appreciate the wonderful and the miraculous.

In these times of the unfamiliar, you have amazing access to your knowing.
You are fully aware of the uncertainty, but you also know.
You know that all is well.
You know that all outcomes are okay.
You know that love is everywhere.
You know that you are a divine being of wisdom, love, and light.

With this knowing, you can relax into the unfamiliar.
You can honor what hurts and care for yourself.
You can open to your joy and celebrate life.
You can be your true and authentic self in all situations.
You can be truly free.

Joe Hurley
(Excerpt from my spring 2008 newsletter)

The Divine Heart Website: A place for heart wisdom, healing, and pure unconditional love.

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